Saturday, December 04, 2010

Weird Easy Trick To Seduce the Women Around You Subconsciously

Most of our societal development did not occur in the streets, or in the comfort of our homes or on the farms. This occurred a lot time ago when we were still in caves and tribes fighting for food and territory while wearing mammal hides. Maybe every now and then a tribal jewellery maker would make you a tooth necklace to represent your status. This was still the age where the strongest and fittest survived and lived on to passing on their genes. But there was one trait that has been passed on that for some reason every male in a tribe had.

If you take a look through classified ads you'll notice that a lot of women search for a man that is "passionate", "knows what he wants", "loves what he does" etc, the list can go on and on. This is because for some reason ancient women found this attractive. Perhaps because if you're passionate about something, eventually you'll become the alpha male in that field - and women always love to latch on to early alpha male development.

So it doesn't matter what you're good at, as long as you have a passion and a life that is all that matters to women. You need to have aspirations, goals and be doing something with your life. Remember that women want to be part of YOUR world, not the other way around. Because at the end of the day, every woman wants to be lead by a man whose love for his passion is always stronger than his love for her.

If you found this helpful then you'll definitely love my ebook I'm giving away for free at to help you be more attractive to women, and get over approach anxiety

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